Badam puri recipe

Mysore cookbook

Mysore cookbook

Mysore cookbook

Mysore cookbook 

Badam Puri is a sweet dish / dessert normally prepared with all purpose flour/ Maida , deep fried and dunked in sugar syrup. Badam means Almonds. But strangely, this sweet does not have almonds in it. This crunchy and soft , both at the same time sweet takes very little time to make and is mouth watering too. This dish first created curiosity in me when I was a small kid. I happened to come across a TV cookery show where it was being prepared. The image of the unique cone shape and golden brown fried sweet, dipped in sugar syrup made me think how delicious it would taste. Then it took so many years for me to try out different kinds of recipes and finally, with lots of modifications got this recipe right.
As i wanted to give some twist to this sweet dish , i added some ingredients which gives a rich flavour to this recipe. After a few trials, finally I got them right. So, the recipe is here.

  • All purpose flour- 1 cup
  • Milk powder - 1/4 cup
  • Badam powder - 1 tbsp ( I have used Maiya's brand Badam powder)
  • Salt - a pinch
  • Turmeric powder - 1 /4 tsp 
  • Cloves - few, to seal the Badam puri 
  • Water - to knead the dough
  • Oil - a few drops
For the sugar syrup : 
  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Water - 1/4 cup
  • Cardamom pods - 1 or 2
  • Lemon juice - 1/2 tsp 
 Preparing Badam Puri :
  • In a mixing bowl, take  All purpose flour, Milk powder, Badam powder, salt and Turmeric powder. Mix everything well. 

  • Add water little by little and knead into a smooth dough. The dough will stick to the hands while trying to knead. At this stage, add a few drops of oil to the hands and knead. This prevents the dough sticking to the hands.

  • After kneading, tuck the dough, cover it and allow it to rest for half an hour.
  • After 30 minutes, divide the dough into equal portions and start rolling like a Chapati. The rolled dough should neither be very thin or thick. To get a nice and round shape, cookie cutter or any circular lid can be used.


  • Once the circular shape is achieved, fold the dough in half and once again into a half to make a cone shape. 

  • Seal the edges of the cone shape by pricking a clove into them, so that the pointed side of the clove comes out from the other end. This is done to secure the edges while frying.
  • Similarly make all the Badam Puris and keep covered with a wet cloth.

    Mysore cookbook

  • In a different pan, take water, sugar and cardamom pods and let it boil. keep stirring until the sugar dissolves. Let it boil for 5 minutes. Then switch off the flame and add the lemon juice. This prevents crystallisation of sugar.
  • Now, deep fry the Badam Puris in low flame, until it is golden brown on both sides. If the flame is high, the inside of the Puri remains without fried.

  • Pour the prepared warm sugar syrup over the Puris and allow it to sit for 1 hour.

    This allows the Puris absorb the sugar syrup. Then take out the Badam Puris and serve. 
    Mysore cookbook

    Mysore cookbook

    Mysore cookbook
** Add a few strands of kesar to the sugar syrup to enhance the flavour and colour.
So, this was the recipe of Badam Puris. Please do give it a try and feel free to leave your feedback on this recipe. Until next recipe.. Bye!!


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