Chakli / Chakkuli/ Murukku / recipe

Mysore cookbbok
Hi!! In my previous post, I had shared the way to prepare chakli flour/ Chakli mix, as we prepare in our homes. Today i will be sharing with you all, how we can make Chakli using Chakli flour instantly.
Staying abroad, we can neither bring each and everything from India nor we get anything of this sort here, like Chakli mix/ flour. But our taste buds crave for our desi snacks especially during those biting cold winter months. Though we get packaged snacks especially murukku, we don't prefer them. Most importantly, i don't want my kids to miss out on the snacks/ savouries we used to relish in our childhood. So i love to make snacks in bulk for my kids, so that they can have whenever they wish like we used to have them. This is the reason, i like to make each and everything at home. As I always say, Homemade things are the best!!
 Preparing them is not at all a tough job . Just preparing the flour before hand and you are good to go. It's very similar to preparing Akki rotti but it takes lesser time to prepare Chaklis than the former ones. I will be sharing the instant version of Chakli recipe  in my further posts.
The only thing which consumes time here is the frying process. For any deep fried snack like Chakli, Nippattu/ Kodubale etc we need to fry in medium to low flame by flipping the sides now and then. This allows the snacks to get cooked from within, which results in the crispiness of the snacks. So let's see how to prepare Chaklis from the Chakli flour.

Ingredients :
  • Chakli flour - 1 cup
  • Water - 1 1/4 cup 
  • Sesame seeds - 1/4 tsp
  • Asafoetida - a pnch
  • Cumin seeds - 1/2 tsp
  • Salt- 1//2 tsp
  • Butter - 1tsp
  • Oil - to deep fry Chaklis
Preparing Chaklis :
  •  Pour the water into a cooking pot and heat in medium flame. Add Sesame seeds, Asafoetida, Cumin seeds, Salt and butter. Bring the water to boil.
  • As the water is boiling, add the Chakli flour and mix well immediately. Switch off the flame, close the pot with a lid and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  • Take off the lid and feel the dough. It should be warm to medium hot to touch. Knead it well to form a smooth dough. If you feel the dough is bit hard, little hot water can be added and  kneaded to get a soft dough ( not too soft that it sticks or breaks when held). After kneading, apply few drops of oil over the dough.

  • Chakli maker is essential to make Chaklis. Thouroughly clean the Chakli press. Use the star shaped plate (shown in picture) and smear the insides with oil .
    Mysore Cookbook
  • Divide the dough into three portions. Take 1 portion of the dough and put it into the chakli press. Gently ease the dough to the bottom of the Chakli press. Fasten the Chakli press and make it secure. 
  • Heat the oil in a broad frying pan. On a oil smeared surface, or on a thick plastic sheet, slowly squeeze out the dough from the Chakli press and make little whirlpools out of it. This means, start squeezing the dough and from the start point, swirl the dough around, as shown in the picture. At the end pinch the edges so that it doesn't open while frying.
    Mysore cookbook
  • Once the oil is hot enough, drop int he Chaklis carefully. Let it fry for a minute on high flame and then reduce the heat to medium.Keep moving the Chaklis in the hot oil now and then to ensure even frying. After frying on one side for 2 minutes, flip the Chaklis and let them fry on that side as well.

  • Once the Chaklis are fried , take them out on to a paper towel. Repeat the same process with the other 2 parts of the dough until all Chaklis are done.

    Make sure to grease the Chakli press each time you are filling the dough. This ensures easy movement of the dough inside the press. 
  • Here in the last sentence, I won't say Chakli is ready to be served because I am pretty sure that anybody who is around you, will be eating them up as you are still making them. At least that's what happens in our household.

I trust this recipe as I have made this many times and it has never failed for me.  I have tried store bought Chakli mix too and I was not happy with the way they turned out. This is such a perfect recipe that we will feel tempted to make and eat up all of them.
Hopefully you will try the recipe!!
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