Pizza recipe without yeast / Pizza recipe from scratch

From the kids to the aged who doesn't love Pizzas.. But it may seem like a tiresome and elaborate task to prepare it at home. Pizzas are just a call away and they get delivered to us within half an hour to 45 minutes normally. For me, even here, our homemade pizzas are the best. We can try and experiment with the sauces, the choice of toppings and basically it can be done however we like it. So I love to bake Pizzas at home. And here, I am sharing the Pizza recipe without using yeast. So this is perfect for ones who don't have yeast at home, or who doesn't want to buy it or simply for those who doesn't like it's addition. What more do the kids love than the Pizzas which can be made at home, right? My kids love it ( though just with tomato sauce and cheese).
I am explaining the recipe here in 3 stages - Preparing the sauce, Preparing the dough and finally assembling the Pizza.
So let's start making the Homemade yeast-free Pizza.

Ingredients :

For the Sauce : 
  • Tomatoes - 2
  • Tomato ketchup - 2 tbsps
  • Italian Pizza seasoning - 1 tbsp
  • Oregano ( dried and crushed ) - 1 tsp 
  • Chilli flakes ( optional ) - 1 tsp 
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp
For the Base:

  • Refined flour - 1 1/2 cups
  • Baking powder - 1/2 tsp
  • Salt - 1 tsp
  • Oregano ( dried )  - 1/2 tsp
  • Olive oil - 2 tsps
For assembling :
  • Vegetables, chopped ( of your choice) - I used Red onions, Green and Orange bell pepper, Broccoli, Black and Green Olives 
  • Grated cheese - 1 cup ( or as required)
Preparing the Pizza:  

Let's make the sauce first: 
  • Wash the tomatoes and wipe them dry. Put it on a microwave safe plate and toss into the microwave for 2 minutes. Check after 2 minutes. The skin must have peeled off a little. If not, microwave for 1 more minute.Alternatively, it can be bleached on the stove by adding water. Let it cool. Once cooled, peel off the skin and grind it to make a puree. Strain it through a sieve to remove the seeds. The smooth puree should be taken in a pan and cooked until it becomes little thick. Allow it to cool. 

  • Now, in a cup, take the prepared tomato paste and add tomato ketchup, Italian herbs, Oregano, Chilli flakes and Olive oil. Mix it well and now the sauce is ready.

Now the Dough for the base : 
Mix all the ingredients mentioned under 'For the base' and knead it into a soft pliable dough.

Now let's assemble :
  • Roll the Pizza dough into a circle shape and transfer it onto a dusted Pizza baking plate. (I made a medium sized, with extra chilly flakes for us parents and the smaller sized, non- chillies ones for our kids). 
  • Apply the prepared Sauce and spread all over leaving the sides.
  • Then arrange the vegetables all around and then sprinkle the grated cheese.
  • If desired, sprinkle some Italian herbs on the Pizza dough.
  • Bake this in a preheated Oven at 180 deg C for about 20 to 25 minutes.
  •  Then take out and serve it hot with tomato ketchup. 
  • Mysore cookbook

    Mysore cookbook

    Mysore cookbook 
    Mysore cookbook
This is the the picture of the small Pizza I made for my Kids ( just with Tomato sauce and cheese ).
Mysore cookbook

Mysore cookbook
So this was the recipe of homemade yeast free Pizza. I am sure you will really enjoy the baking fun and the recipe too. Please do try it and let me know in the comments section. Follow me on Google + and Pinterest to get latest updates on the newest posts.. Thank you .. bye


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